Algebraic Geometry Seminar, UC Davis
Martha Precup, Washington University in St. Louis
The cohomology of nilpotent Hessenberg varieties and the dot action representation
Paris algebra seminar
Emmanuel Letellier, Université de Paris
E-series of character varieties associated with non orientable surfaces
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, UC Davis
Caitlyn Booms, University of Wisconsin
Characteristic dependence of syzygies of random monomial ideals
Seminar on Combinatorics, Lie Theory, and Topology (Pisa)
Roberto Pagaria, University of Bologna (Italy)
Representation theory and configuration spaces
GRT at home seminar
Samuel DeHority, Columbia University
Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras and K3 surfaces
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, UC Davis
Pavlo Pylyavskyy, University of Minnesota
Morsifications and mutations
GRT at home seminar
Roger Casals, UC Davis
Legendrian knots and Algebraic Structures
Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms, University of Vienna
Anton Mellit, University of Vienna
Counting bundles, affine Springer fibers and Macdonald polynomials
Paris algebra seminar
Markus Reineke, Bochum
Wild quantum dilogarithm identities
Virtual Workshop on Recent Developments in Geometric Representation Theory, IAS
Olivier Dudas, David Nadler, Shotaro Makusumi, Mikhail Kapranov