AG and NT Seminar, IST Austria
Junliang Shen, MIT
On the topology of Hitchin fibrations
GRT at home seminar
Raphaël Rouquier (UCLA)
Nil Affine Hecke algebras from 2-representations
Paris algebra seminar
Christof Geiss, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Generic bases for surface cluster algebras
Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics seminar, UC Berkeley
Mikhail Bershtein, HSE University, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics
Twisted representations of toroidal gl_1
Learning Seminar on Categorification
Ben Elias (U. Oregon)
Categorical diagonalization (part 1)
GRT at home seminar
Eric Vasserot, University of Paris
Paris algebra seminar
Yuta Kimura, Bielefeld
Combinatorics of quasi-hereditary structures, II
Paris algebra seminar
Baptiste Rognerud, University of Paris
Combinatorics of quasi-hereditary structures, I
Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics seminar, UC Berkeley
Leonid Rybnikov, HSE University
Bethe subalgebras in Yangians and the wonderful compactification
Lie theory and integrable systems in symplectic and Poisson geometry (June 5-7), Fields Institute