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Geometry and Representation Theory at home

New features

Here are some of the features I added in the last few days:

  • Some are worried that public Zoom links can be abused by spammers. It is now possible to associate a "secret" with an event, which is visible only to registered users. This can be a password, or the entire Zoom link if you like.
  • Links in the "access" and "secret" fields are now clickable. Links are recognized if they start with "http://" or "https://".
  • The author is displayed at the bottom of the event page.
  • If you are the author of an event, you can edit the event by pressing the "Edit" button. Just to suggest an idea, after your seminar is finished, you can add a link to the slides after the abstract. Or, you can put some additional information. To see how the event page may eventually appear, look here.


Upcoming seminars


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