Speaker | Title | Date | Location |
Andrei Negut | R-matrices and shuffle algebras (Part I) | MIT | |
Andrei Negut | W-algebras, moduli of sheaves on surfaces, and AGT | String-Math 2017 | |
Andrei Negut | Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces | Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) | |
Olivier Schiffmann | Cohomological Hall algebra actions and Kac polynomials | String-Math 2016 | |
Olivier Schiffmann | Counting cuspidals for quivers and curves | Hausdorff Center for Mathematics | |
Olivier Schiffmann | Cohomological Hall algebras associated to curves | Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS) | |
Olivier Schiffmann | Kac polynomials and Lie algebras associated to quivers and curves | ICM 2018 |