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GRT at home seminar

Hiraku Nakajima, Kavli IPMU

Ginzburg - Riche in geometric Satake for affine Lie algebras

Organizer's time: 2020-05-12 10:00 Europe/Vienna

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Access information: (ID 842 5923 2669, password 524582)

Geometric Satake for affine Lie algebras was formulated by my joint work with Braverman-Finkelberg via Coulomb branches of quiver gauge theories, and proved for affine type A. Representations are realized on hyperbolic stalks of intersection cohomology of Coulomb branches. We give a representation theoretic characterization of torus equivariant costalks by considering analog of Ginzburg-Riche's result for the usual geometric Satake. As an application, costalks form a module of the coset vertex algebra, as predicted as a generalization of AGT by Belavin-Feigin, Nishioka-Tachikawa. This is a joint work in progress with Dinakar Muthiah.

You can download the slides here

Video is available here

Submitted by: Anton Mellit